Season Five Preview

enjoy shows from the past season...

Real Talk

REAL TALK is our bi-monthly news show co-hosted by snowboarding legends Chad Otterstrom and Bjorn Leines.

Pro Files 

Pro Files are our long format interviews. This year we covered a wide range of guests – from legends, to current and future pros as well as some recreational riders. 


THE SPLITBOARD PROJECT has a unique magazine style format, a house band – The Shoot Dangs and is co-hosted by Spark R&D founder Will Ritter

Close Calls 

Close Calls in the backcountry is a live show recorded on the clubhouse platform where audience members share their close call stories. This show is co-hosted by Bjorn Leines.


LIFT TICKET: RESORT RIDING IN COVID TIMES took an in depth look at what our 20230/2021 season would look like. Co-hosted by former Aspen CMO Christian Knapp.


GO SNOWBOARDING! covers the DIY spirit in the sport – covering projects like building your own snowboard, ski lift and even ski area!

The Microcast

The bi-weekly news and conditions update that happens during the season. Each episode is 3-5 minutes long. 

Natural Selection Tour

Coverage of the Natural Selection Tour featuring the event organizers like Circe Wallace and Liam Griffin, course staff and even Travis Rice himself. This seven episode series covers the three event series in depth.

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